
  • ChatGPT Completions

    ChatGPT Completions

    ChatGPT models accept an array of messages and deliver a model-created response (ChatGPT Completions). While the chat format was created to simplify multi-turn discussions, it can be equally beneficial for tasks that don’t require any conversation. A sample API call would appear like this: import openai For complete API reference documentation, please click here. The…

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  • How much does GPT-4 cost?

    How much does GPT-4 cost?

    OpenAI is thrilled to introduce a new pricing structure for GPT-4, offering more affordable rates for prompt tokens starting from July 10th, 2023. For our 8k context length models such as gpt-4 and gpt-4-0314, OpenAI charging: For the models with a larger context length of 32k (including gpt-4-32k and gpt-4-32k-0314), the pricing will be: Detailed…

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  • GPT Rate Limits

    GPT Rate Limits

    GPT Rate limits, imposed by an API to control the frequency of user or client server access within a specified timeframe, are accessible under the rate limits section on the account management page for any given organization. As GPT-4 is rolled out, it will exhibit stricter rate limits in order to meet the demand. The…

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  • Which GPT Model  to  choose?

    Which GPT Model to choose?

    To interact with a GPT model through the OpenAI API, you’ll transmit a request that includes your inputs and your API key. In turn, you will get a response featuring the output from the model. OpenAI’s most recent models, gpt-4 and gpt-3.5-turbo, can be reached via the chat completions API endpoint. At present, it is…

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  • GPT Tiktoken

    GPT Tiktoken

    Text in GPT and embeddings models is processed in segments known as tokens. These tokens symbolize frequently appearing character sequences. To illustrate, the phrase “tokenization” is broken down into “token” and “ization”, whereas a brief and common word such as “the” is expressed as one token. It’s noteworthy that in a sentence, the first token…

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  • GPT Models Deprecation

    GPT Models Deprecation

    From this day forward, all premium API clients will be able to avail the capabilities of GPT-4. OpenAI introduced the ChatGPT API in March 2023, and earlier this month they rolled out their first set of improvements to these chat-centric models. OpenAI envisions a future where chat-oriented models can cater to any requirement. As part…

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  • Chat Models

    Chat Models

    OpenAI’s Chat GPT models are designed to accept a list of messages as input, with the output being a message generated by the model itself. The design of the chat format is specifically tailored to facilitate multi-turn dialogues. However, it can be just as functional for single-turn tasks that don’t involve any conversation. Here’s an…

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  • Tips For Instructing gpt-3.5-turbo-0301

    Tips For Instructing gpt-3.5-turbo-0301

    Best practices for instructing models may change from model version to model version. The advice that follows applies to gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 and may not apply to future models. System messages Developers can use System message to prime the assistant with different personalities or behaviors. Be aware that gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 does not generally pay as much attention to the system message as gpt-4-0314 or gpt-3.5-turbo-0613.…

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  • ChatGPT Plugin Policies

    ChatGPT Plugin Policies

    Here are the key guidelines set by OpenAI for developers who are developing ChatGPT Plugins: Just like other usage policies, OpenAI anticipates alterations to the current ChatGPT Plugin Policies as they gather more information about the potential use and misuse of plugins. Submitting Plugin for Review You can expect to hear back about a plugin…

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  • GPT-5: Potential Impact on Labor Market

    GPT-5: Potential Impact on Labor Market

    Research was conducted into the possible impacts of large language models (LLMs), like Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs), on the U.S. labor market, with a particular interest in the heightened functionalities offered by software powered by LLMs, as opposed to standalone LLMs. A novel criteria was employed to evaluate jobs in terms of their compatibility with…

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