ChatGPT Can Now Browse The Internet

ChatGPT Can Now Browse The Internet

In addition to New ChatGPT Capabilities: see, hear, and speak, ChatGPT can now browse the internet to provide you with current and authoritative information, complete with direct links to sources. It is no longer limited to data before September 2021.

Since the original launch of browsing in May, OpenAI received useful feedback. Updates include following robots.txt and identifying user agents so sites can control how ChatGPT interacts with them.

Browsing is particularly useful for tasks that require up-to-date information, such as helping you with technical research, trying to choose a bike, or planning a vacation.

Browsing is available to Plus and Enterprise users today, and developers will expand to all users soon. To enable, choose Browse with Bing in the selector under GPT-4.

Read related articles:

New ChatGPT Capabilities: see, hear, and speak

