
  • ChatGPT Azure Completions

    ChatGPT Azure Completions

    In this article we’ll explore the necessary operations to activate ChatGPT completions via Azure endpoints. While our primary emphasis is on chat completions, we will also briefly discuss some other accessible operations through the API. This instance serves to illustrate simple operations swiftly and should not be considered as a comprehensive tutorial. import openai Setup…

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  • GPT-4, GPT-5 Best Practices

    GPT-4, GPT-5 Best Practices

    This manual presents techniques and methods to enhance the performance of GPT models. You can often apply these tactics collectively to boost their efficiency. We recommend trying out different approaches and GPT Best Practices to discover what suits your needs best. Please note that some of the instances showcased here are exclusive to OpenAI’s most…

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  • Best practices for GPT fine-tuning

    Best practices for GPT fine-tuning

    GPT-3’s understanding of language makes it excellent at text classification. Typically, the best way to classify text with the model is GPT fine-tuning on training examples. Fine-tuned GPT-3 models can meet and exceed state-of-the-art records on text classification benchmarks. Below we list a public draft of a guide that will be added to the next…

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  • ChatGPT Deprecations

    ChatGPT Deprecations

    OpenAI initiated the upgrade and deprecation procedure for the first versions of gpt-3.5-turbo and gpt-4, which they revealed in March 2023. Applications employing the established model names (gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-4, and gpt-4-32k) will seamlessly transition to the updated model versions on June 27th. To aid in the comparison of model performance across different versions, the Evals…

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  • Difference between the GPT-4 Models

    Difference between the GPT-4 Models

    Several variations of the GPT-4 model exist, each distinguished by unique features. A crucial attribute that varies between these models is the context length, which denotes the total number of tokens consisting of the prompt and the maximum tokens in the completion. The standard GPT-4 model provides a context length of 8,000 tokens. Additionally, OpenAI…

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  • How to Access ChatGPT Plugins?

    How to Access ChatGPT Plugins?

    OpenAI has begun to enhance the capabilities of ChatGPT by incorporating the use of plugins. These ChatGPT Plugins can be envisioned as “tools” that the AI model learns to utilize. Such as a plugin for checking news updates, a plugin for flight bookings, or one for sourcing data from a specific database. Since the launch…

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  • ChatGPT Updates (June 2023)

    ChatGPT Updates (June 2023)

    In this article we well review most recent ChatGPT Updates and News, such as: iOS app release, shared links, Bing Plugin and more. OpenAI is broadening the reach of the ChatGPT app for iOS to more nations and territories. The ChatGPT app is now accessible in the Apple App Store for users in 11 countries,…

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  • ChatGPT-5: The Next Leap in AI Conversation

    ChatGPT-5: The Next Leap in AI Conversation

    Artificial intelligence has come a long way in recent years, with advancements such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 leading the pack in language modeling. However, the realm of AI is perpetually evolving, leaving room for continuous improvement and expansion. As we imagine the future of this technology, it is particularly exciting to envision the potential capabilities of…

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  • ChatGPT-5 is Expected To Mirror Human Intellect

    ChatGPT-5 is Expected To Mirror Human Intellect

    ChatGPT-4 is capable of delivering human-like responses to intricate queries and also has revolutionized online searches. This chatbot has demonstrated that AI has advanced to a level where it can outperform humans in certain tasks. The next iteration of OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT-5 is set to launch in December 2023. This advancement has spurred numerous experts…

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  • GPT models

    GPT models

    The GPT models by OpenAI have been trained for the comprehension of both natural language and code. They produce textual outputs based on given inputs, which are often called “prompts”. Crafting a prompt essentially means programming a GPT model, typically by providing instructions or examples of task completion. With the use of GPTs, applications can…

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