
ChatGPT-5 is Expected To Mirror Human Intellect

ChatGPT-4 is capable of delivering human-like responses to intricate queries and also has revolutionized online searches. This chatbot has demonstrated that AI has advanced to a level where it can outperform humans in certain tasks. The next iteration of OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT-5 is set to launch in December 2023. This advancement has spurred numerous experts to voice concerns regarding the potential perils linked to artificial intelligence.

Siki Chen, an innovator and programmer, disclosed that he possesses credible information suggesting the release of ChatGPT 5 by year-end, as reported by Interesting Engineering. It is important to note that OpenAI, the entity behind ChatGPT, unveiled the fourth iteration of this globally popular chatbot.

Siki Chen suggests that the introduction of this new version could result in generative AI being virtually indistinguishable from human cognition. He also asserts that some individuals within OpenAI predict that ChatGPT-5 will attain AGI or “Artificial General Intelligence” level.

At present, AI is a rudimentary reflection of human thought processes. However, moving to AGI signifies a practical identity with the manner in which human cognition and comprehension function.

Understanding AGI

Artificial General Intelligence is a conjectural variant of artificial intelligence capable of comprehending or learning any intellectual task that a human or an animal can undertake. It is the principal objective of some artificial intelligence research and is frequently a topic in science fiction and futurology.

AGI is also referred to as strong AI, full AI, or general intelligent action. Certain academic sources, however, reserve the term “strong AI” for computer software that exhibits self-awareness or consciousness. Strong AI is contrasted with weak AI (or narrow AI) which is designed to tackle one specific problem, lacking the broader cognitive capabilities.

There is also the concept of “Artificial Super Intelligence” (ASI), the pinnacle of AI development where AI entirely surpasses human capabilities in every aspect. However, reaching this stage is still far off in the future, whether that’s fortunate or unfortunate.

What is the danger of AGI

Siki Chen warns that if ChatGPT-5 integrates even half of the proposed features, we could face severe issues. Although this doesn’t pertain to sensory or physical interaction capabilities, the enhancement of its cognitive abilities alone poses a significant threat.

While it’s improbable that developers will swiftly attain AGI, substantial enhancements in the chatbot could result in the emergence of highly persuasive humanoid bots on social media platforms. These bots could surreptitiously disseminate harmful disinformation and propaganda.

Chen also points to potential problems when delegating certain tasks to AGI. If it becomes more efficient at performing cognitive tasks, people may hand over more responsibilities to it in a bid to ease their work. This could, however, lead to unforeseen consequences.

Indeed, AGI can augment productivity by expediting AI-based processes and liberating humans from mundane tasks.

Previously we wrote an ChatGPT Version History article where you can find out more about history of GPT models.

