ChatGPT Share Conversation

ChatGPT Share Conversation

ChatGPT Shared Links present a fresh feature that enables users to create a distinctive URL for a ChatGPT Shared Conversation, which can subsequently be disseminated among friends, workmates, and collaborators. This innovative utility offers a revamped way for users to distribute their ChatGPT dialogues, replacing the former tedious approach of sharing via screenshots.

By using shared links, users now have the opportunity to let others view and even extend their captivating, humorous, or enlightening interactions with ChatGPT.

OpenAI is progressively enabling the shared links feature for users. For now, this feature is solely accessible on website,

How to use ChatGPT shared links?

Hover over a chat and then click on the shared link icon:

You will be able to share either under your name or anonymously. Just click on the three dots:

By clicking on the three dots, you have the option to share under your name. Simply choose “Share your name”.

Then it will appear in the shared link preview:

When you’re ready you can click the green button to copy the link to share it.

The feature is available fro all regular and Plus users.

Unfortunately, it’s not yet available for use on ChatGPT iOS application.


Are shared links accessible to the public? Who can reach my shared links?

Anyone possessing a shared link can read and engage in the linked dialogue. We suggest refraining from sharing any confidential content, as individuals with the link can view the conversation or distribute the link to others.

If you’ve established a link that you no longer wish to be publicly accessible, you can eliminate the link or erase the conversation. The dialogue will not be accessible through the shared link anymore, but if a user has added the conversation into their chat history, deleting your link won’t remove the conversation from their history.

What personal details are incorporated in the shared link that I produce?

By default, shared links do not encompass your name or any other personal information. However, you have the option to include your name when crafting the link by clicking the ellipsis in the shared link window, then selecting “Share your name.” Should you opt to include your name, it will be visible on the shared link’s page at the commencement of the conversation. Please bear in mind that anyone who has the link can view the conversation in a shared link.

What are the potential applications of shared links?

A. Distributing a particular dialogue or message This is incredibly useful when you wish to disseminate specific information or a conversation with someone who wasn’t involved in the original discussion. This could be a significant conversation example, a specific discussion to be referenced, or a critical message to be underscored.

B. Sharing materials with external collaborators Shared links can be employed to distribute content to individuals beyond your organization. This proves helpful when you have partners, such as contractors or clients, who require access to specific messages or conversations.

C. Establishing a reference point for future discussions Shared links can be used to generate a reference for future dialogues. This can be especially beneficial when you wish to refer back to a previous conversation or message.

If I carry on with the conversation after creating a shared link, will the remainder of my dialogue be included in the shared link?

No. Consider a shared link as a snapshot of a dialogue up to the moment the shared link is formed.

Once a shared link is generated for a specific conversation or message, it will not incorporate any subsequent messages added to the conversation post-link generation. Hence, if you continue the conversation post-shared link creation, those additional messages will not be visible via the shared link.

If I remove the original ChatGPT conversation, will that eliminate the shared link?

Yes, if you erase the original ChatGPT conversation, the shared link will be deleted as well. This implies that the content will no longer be accessible through the shared link.

Remember that shared links enable viewers to integrate the conversation into their own chat history. Therefore, if you delete a shared link, while the conversation will no longer be accessible through the shared link, if a user imported the conversation into their chat history, the content might still be accessible from their history.

Wha will happen with shared links if I erase my account?

In this case all your shared links will be deleted. At that point, those shared links will not be accessible or viewable by anyone.

Remember that shared links allow viewers to integrate the conversation into their own chat history. Therefore, if you delete a shared link, while the conversation will no longer be accessible via the shared link, if a user imported the conversation into their chat history, the content might still be accessible from their history.

Can I prevent another user from continuing the conversation from one of my shared links in their ChatGPT account?

Currently, we do not offer this feature. For this reason, we recommend avoiding the sharing of sensitive information in a shared link. Please refer to the section below on how to delete or disable your shared links.

Should we anticipate shared links to appear in public search results on the Internet?

No, shared links are not meant to appear in public search results on the internet. They are designed for direct sharing between individuals and are not indexed by search engines. However, anyone with the link can view the shared content.

Are my shared links included when I export my data from ChatGPT?

Currently, no. But engineers are striving to include shared links in your data exports! This feature should be available in the forthcoming weeks.

How do I restrict access/permission to the shared link?

Regrettably, we currently do not offer granular permissions for shared links. Anyone who has a shared link can view and continue the linked dialogue. We advise against sharing any sensitive content, as anyone with the link can access the conversation or distribute the link to others.

How do I assign an expiration date for a shared link?

At the moment, ChatGPT does not offer this functionality.

How do I delete / invalidate a shared link?

You can click the trashcan icon on the conversation itself in to delete a single chat.

